Area Event Schedule
Events of military and veteran related interest within the area.
Veterans Day Observance 2020
Our 22nd Annual Veterans Day Observance was a success, even with the current Pandemic situation in the Nation. Although canceling the event was a possibility, it was felt it was a better prospect to continue the tradition of honoring our service members and broadcast the display through Facebook Live. Rennovations within the building caused cold temperatures in the building, which in turn took a hit on the battery and caused an abrupt end to the broadcast. The general turnout was low, as was expected but the response from the Facebook Live broadcast was great! Those who did attend followed all CDC & MNDH guidlines with social distancing and mask wear.
By being able to host the event, we were able to continue our mission of honoring our veterans over Veterans Day. Please check out the video below for the Facebook live event. It was a total impromptu event put together as we walked through the display, but it was a fun challenge!
Veterans Day Observance 2019
The 21st Annual Veterans Day Observance honoring the service and sacrifice of our nation's veterans was another sucess. The 2019 event took place on November 10th, 11th, and 12th at the War Memorial Auditorium in Willmar. Around 1,500 people attended the event viewing the displays and taking in the program. Major Andrew Lang was the featured speaker this year.
The Special Observance Program was held November 11th at 7:30pm. The program had special readings and messages from veterans along with music. The special Guest Speaker was Major Andrew Lang, US Army National Guard, Arden Hills Army Training Site (AHATS) - Garrison Commander. Major Lang spoke about his service and what Veterans Day means to him and his family.
For more info on Major Lang, click here.
Veterans Day Observance 2018
The 2018 Veterans Day Observance was a great sucess with over 1,300 people attending the display and program. Hundreds of school children attended the display and were able to talk directly with veterans to learn more about their service, and view the large display of original military items from over 150 years of history.
A Special Observance Program was held Sunday, November 11th at 7:30pm. The program had special readings and messages from veterans along with music. The special Guest Speaker was Rear Admiral Thomas Luscher, US Naval Reserve Forces Commander. Admiral Luscher spoke about his service and what Veterans Day means to him.
For more info on Admiral Luscher, click here.

View of the 2018 Display.
Special thanks to the Blue Star Mothers of MN Chapter 1 who was on hand all three days helping share the mission of their organization, and gathering items for care packages sent to troops deployed overseas. Also thanks to the large group of Volunteers who helped with the setup process including setting up the large tent, and hauling items in fromt he trailers.
Veterans Day Observance 2017
The 2017 event was held on November 10th, 11th, and 12th back at the War Memorial Auditorium in Willmar. Displays of over 6,000 military items from the Civil War through Modern Day and the history of hundreds of veterans shared and items available for public viewing. The display and event was attended by over 1,200 people.
A Special Observance Program was held Saturday, November 11th at 7:30pm. Four veterans shared some of their stories of what Veterans Day meant to them. Representing the US Army and Naval Resere was Scott Thaden. Thaden served in the Army National Guard in the 1990's. Representing the Navy was Sherman Schueler. Schueler was a Naval pilot in Vietnam. The marine Corps was represented by Bryon Swanson. Bryon served in the Marine Corps in the War on Terror and was deployed in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. To represent the Air Force, Jon Schmit spoke about his time in the Air Force reserves. He has made a career of the Air Force and had been deployed around the world.

From left to right: Jon Schmidt, Sherman Schueler, Jon Lindstrand, Scott Thaden, & Bryon Swanson.
The Author's Showcase - On Sunday November 12th at 12 Noon four MN Military Authors were on hand with their books sharing the true stories of Military Service from WWII, Vietnam, and the War on Terror.

From left to right: Del Allen, Ron Mackedanz, Jon Lindstrand, Bill Lunn, & Faye Berger.
At 1pm each of the authors discussed to the group assembled about their books, and answered questions.
The authors were, in order of the war eras, oldest to most recent:

Faye Berger - "Finding Foxholes" A World War II Infantry Route, Then... And 48 Years Later. The true story of her Father's military service, and her journey revisiting his unit's route through Europe with him in the 1990s.

Ron Mackedanz - "Drafted" - The true story of Ron's service in the US Army Infantry in Vietnam. Mackedanz served with Charlie Company (Bandido Charlie), 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam.

Dell Allen (Bjerketvedt) - "Bullets And Bandages" - The true story of Dell's service as a Hospital Corpsman with the Marine Corps in Vietnam. Dell served in Vietnam as a Navy Fleet Marine Force Hospital Corpsman assigned Alpha Company, First Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division.

Bill Lunn - "Heart Of A Ranger" - The true story of CPL Ben Kopp, US Army Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. CPL Kopp was killed in action on 18 July 2009.
Veterans Day Observance 2016
The 2016 event took place on November 9th, 10th, and 11th at the War Memorial Auditorium in Willmar. Displays of thousands of military items from the Civil War through Modern Day and the history of hundreds of veterans was shared and available for public viewing. We had a great turnout over the three day event!
A Special Observance Program was held Wednesday, November 11th at 7:30pm. Mitch Schueler was the emcee for the event, with a special presentation to the family of Specialist Ryane Clark as a part of the program. SPC Clark was Killed in Action in Afghanistan in October 2010, and his family was presented his posthumous rank promotion as a part of the service. Special music was provided by the West Central Connection Chorus and youth members of the Community Christian Music Department.
For the first time since the inception of the Veterans Day Observance, USMHC founder Jon Lindstrand gave the addresss. Lindstrand shared his passion for military veterans and honoring their legacy with the large crowd in attendance. In a surprise presentation, the Daughters of the American Revolution presented Lindstrand with their DAR Medal of Honor as a part of the ceremony. It was an extreme honor for Lindstrand to have been recognized with this great award from such an outstanding organization.

Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall - Willmar

In the course of our nation's history brave young men and women have had to fight and sacrifice to keep America free and secure.
With great pride, we thank everyone for their support of the Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall at Robbins Island in Willmar in 2016. Over 12,000 people came out to see this tribute to the fallen of the Vietnam War. USMHC in conjunction with the Veterans Central Council was a part of this special opportunity to remember those who sacrificed their all.
Decades ago millions of men and women were sent to Southeast Asia to fight a war in Vietnam, over 58,000 never returned. Their names forever enshrined in history.
A stark, vivid tribute to their service and sacrifice was created with the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington DC in the 1980's. Known as "The Wall That Heals" it has offered closure and solice to the millions who view it. Soon after, smaller traveling versions of this memorial began traveling the country offing that same solemn tribute.
The Traveling Wall visited central Minnesota the summer of 2016 in Willmar. Volunteers worked actively to bring this hallowed tribute to the region to honor those who have given their all in the service to this country.
The Wall was at Robbins Island Park in Willmar July 1, 2, 3, & 4th, 2016. It was sponsored by the Veterans Central Council, a 501c3 nonprofit organization comprised of members of the American Legion, VFW, and DAV clubs of Willmar. USMHC will provide a display of Vietnam items in conjuction with this event.
Veterans Day Observance 2015
The 2015 event took place on November 9th, 10th, and 11th back at the War Memorial Auditorium in Willmar. Displays of over 5,000 miltiary items from the Civil War through Modern Day and history of hundreds of veterans open and available for public viewing. We had a great turnout over the three day event!
A Special Observance Program was held Wednesday, November 11th at 7:30pm. The year's featured speaker was Commander Mitch Schueler, US Naval Reserve. Mitch has been active in the program for years, and we were honoerd to have Mitch give the Veteran's Day address. Special music was provided by the West Central Connection Chorus.
For more info on CDR Schueler, click here.
Veterans Day Observance 2014
The 2014 Veterans Day Observance was scheduled for November 10, 11 & 12 at the Kandi Mall Shopping Center. Due to the repairs happening at the War Memorial Auditorium in Willmar, the event was without a home until late September. Thanks to the Generousity of the Kandi Mall, they allowed for the use of the former K-Mart property to host the 2014 event.
The 2014 Veteran's Day Observance was a great success with around 1,300 attending this year. Thank you to all who braved the weather and checked it out! Special thanks to the Kandi Mall Shopping Center for allowing us to host it there!
A Special Observance Program was held the evening of November 11th, at 7:30 pm. The featured speaker for the event was Lieutenant Zack Liebl.
For more info on Lt. Liebl, click here.
The weather caused an issue and an extra day was added. Thank you to all who attended the event. Special thanks to the Blue Star Mothers of Mn Chapter 1, American Legion Auxilary Post 167, and the We Honor Vets Program from Rice Hospice for being a part of this event.
Veteran's Night with the Stingers:
The Willmar Stingers Baseball team, along with Central Lakes Coop & Uncommon USA once again hosted a special Veteran Night. USMHC had the opportunity to recommend 10 veterans for a special recognition during the pre-game for the July 2nd game in association with Kandiyohi County Veteran Services.
For full info, click here.
70th Anniversary - D-Day & John Anderson Memorial Service
70 years ago, on June 6th, 1944 thousands of Allied troops stormed the shores of Normandy for the liberation of France and eventually Europe from the clutches of Nazi control in WWII. One Kandiyohi County man, John Anderson, served there and was taken from us there.
On June 6th, 2014 a special Memorial service was held in Willmar Honoring John's service & sacrifice, but also the service of all who served in World War II.
For full info, click here.
For more info on John Anderson, click here.
Veterans Day Observance 2013
The 2013 Veterans Day Observance was a great success! Over 1,200 people attended the event. The featured speaker was Major General Gerald E. Lang - Assistant Deputy Commanding General - Army Materiel Command. We hope to see you at the 2014 event!
Thank you all who gave their time and energy making the 2013 event a success. Also, special thank you to those who made financial contributions for the purchase of a trailer for display fixtures.
For more info on MG Lang, click here.
Thunder Road Feature Film Awareness Drive
Thunder Road is a planned feature film by Astoria Entertainment about an OIF/OEF Veteran adjusting to coming home after war and dealing with PTSD. On 16 August Screenwriter and Actor Steven Grayhm and actor Matt Dallas traveled to Willimar to raise awareness about the subject of PTSD and the film. USMHC was asked to provide a small display for this event sponsored by AmVets post 214. A live outdoor concert was held with the Walking Phoenixes playing for the crowd.
For full info, click here.
Veterans Fishing Expo
On Saturday, May 18 USMHC was asked to attend the Veteran's Fishing Expo in Willmar at the National Guard Armory. The event was sponsored by the Elks Lodge #952 and all events were free to Veterans.
For more info, click here.
Veterans Day Observance 2012
The 2012 Veterans Day Observance Was a great success. Plans are already underway for the 2013 event. Mark your calendars now for November 11, 12, & 13, 2013. Thank you to all who helped with set up, school tours, and contributed to the collection.
For photos of the 2012 event, click here.
Stand & Salute honor event at the MN Twins
On July 27th I had the honor of being able to present the Stand & Salute Honor Award to a combat wounded veteran from Iraqi Freedom. I had nominated this individual for the award, and the presentation was held at Target Field prior to a Minnesota Twins Game.
For full info, click here.
Silver Star Presentation 2011
On Saturday, 12 November 2011, A program was held to honor Ron Mackedanz. Mackedanz served in Vietnam, and was be presented with the Silver Star for his actions in 1969 after 42 years.
For photos of the Silver Star Presentation, click here.
For more info on Ron Mackedanz, click here.
For Video of the Silver Star Presentation, click here.
Veterans Day Observance event friends:
Blue Star Mothers of America
Minnesota Chapter 1

Members of the Minnesota Blue Star Mothers of America organization have been on hand to share with all who attended the event what their organization does.