Event Schedule

Photos from the 2010 Display

The 2010 event had a great turnout with over 1,300 people attending. The display showcased military history from the Civil War through modern day with photos and stories of the veterans that used the items on display.

The address by Commander Wettschreck at the November 11th program was very good, as was the special music provided by the West Central Connection Chorus.


Commander Keith Wettschreck, the 2010 speaker. To read more about him, click here.

Overview look at the area of the display through WWII.

The display from Korea through the present .

Looking into a GP (General Purpose) Small tent. This item was new to the 2010 display.

A variety of military hats on display. Everything from dress hats, to field headgear is displayed.

The GP Medium tent was again set up and displayed this year.

To showcase some military issue rock climbing gear, a local artist friend created this rock wall. It stands nearly 20ft. tall.