Area Event Schedule
Events of military and veteran related interest within the area.
Veteran's Day Observance 2012
The 2012 Veteran's Day Observance is scheduled for November 11, 12, & 13 at the War memorial Auditorium in willmar. Further details to come soon.
Stand & Salute honor event at the MN Twins
On July 27th I had the honor of being able to present the Stand & Salute Honor Award to a combat wounded veteran from Iraqi Freedom. I had nominated this individual for the award, and the presentation was held at Target Field prior to a Minnesota Twins Game.
For full info, click here.
Veteran's Night with the Stingers:
The Willmar Stingers Baseball team once again hosted a special Veteran Night. USMHC had the opportunity to recommend 9 veterans for a special recognition during the pre-game for the July 9th game in association with The American Patriot Program (TAPP).
For full info, click here.
Veteran's Day Observance 2011
The 2011 Veteran's Day Observance was a great success, with over 1,300 people attending. I huge thank you to all that attended, and to those who helped set up and tear down the display.
For photos of the 2011 event, click here.
On Staurday, 12 November, A program was held to honor Ron Mackedanz. Mackedanz served in Vietnam, and was be presented with the Silver Star for his actions in 1969 after 42 years.
For photos of the Silver Star Presentation, click here.
For more info on Ron Mackedanz, click here.
For Video of the Silver Star Presentation, click here.
Display and presentation at Sunrise Village
On Saturday, September 17th I was invited to share some of my collection with the residents and guests of Sunrise Village Assisted Living in Willmar.
For photos of the Sunrise Village display, click here.
Veteran's Night with the Stingers:
The Willmar Stingers Baseball team once again hosted a special Veteran Night. USMHC had the opportunity to recommend 9 veterans for a special recognition during the pre-game for the July 9th game in association with The American Patriot Program (TAPP).
For full info, click here.
TAPP honor event at the MN Twins
On July 4th I had the honor of being able to present the American Patriot Award to a combat wounded veteran from Iraqi Freedom. I had nominated this individual for the award, and the presentation was held at Target Field prior to a Minnesota Twins Game.
For full info, click here.
Memorial Day display and talk at Appleton Municipal Nursing Home
On Saturday, May 28th I was invited to share some of my collection with the residents and guests of the Appleton Municipal Nursing home in honor of Memorial Day.
For photos of the Appleton display, click here.
Veteran's Day Observance event friends:
Blue Star Mothers of America
Minnesota Chapter 1

Members of the Minnesota Blue Star Mothers of America organization have been on hand to share with all who attended the event what their organization does.