The American Patriot Program Honor Event - July 4th with MN Twins:
On July 4th I had the honor of being able to present the American Patriot Award to a combat wounded veteran from Iraqi Freedom. I had nominated this individual for the award, and the presentation was held at Target Field prior to a Minnesota Twins Game.
Charles Egerstrom was presented the American Patriot Award. The text of what was read on Egerstrom at the game:
"The Minnesota Twins and the American Patriot Program, or TAPP, have teamed up to honor a Purple Heart recipient from the State of Minnesota with a prestigious
national level award presented only to Veterans of the United States Armed Forces
who have been injured in combat operations.
TAPP is proud to announce that the Minnesota Twins are hosting the second American
Patriot award presentation of the TAPP's 2011 'Operation Fields of Green' throughout
the Major League Baseball season. In recognition of a true American Patriot from the
State of Minnesota please join us in honoring United States Army veteran, from the Fourth Division Infantry, SGT Charles Egerstrom of Willmar, Minnesota.
On 22 September 2003 while on a convoy, SGT Egerstrom was hit by an IED. He had
volunteered to take the place of another soldier who was going on leave in a couple of
days. He was driving in the second vehicle of a three vehicle convoy. At the scene of the explosion they began to take enemy fire, but it soon ended. The blast had blown SGT Egerstrom's ear drum on his left side, causing permanent hearing damage as well as sustaining other injuries.
Egerstrom served in the US Army from 2000 to 2007. He was
discharged as a Sergeant from the Army and earned numerous military
decorations, including the Army Commendation Medal with “V”, Purple Heart, Iraq
Campaign Medal, Global War on Territory Expeditionary Medal, and Global War on Terror
Service Medal.
Representing TAPP and presenting the 38th American Patriot Award to SGT Egerstrom,
is long-time friend and former classmate Jon Lindstrand of the United States Military Historical Collection of Kandiyohi, MN. TAPP is a program of Our Fallen Soldier, a 501 (c) 3.
Thank you Sergeant Charles Egerstrom for your incredible service and sacrifice to
After the presentation, Egerstrom was asked to throw out an Honorary First Pitch.
Photo collages created by Larry Everett who attended the event. Everett is a US Army veteran who served in the Army Intelligence/Army Security Agency as a Captain during the Cold War.
SGT Charles Egerstrom on the field to accept the TAPP Honor Award.
Egerstrom was presented a fleece "Throw of Love" made by Gold Star wife Donna Hogue. She presents them to combat wounded veterans and recipients of the American Patriot Award. they are made in memory of her husband, 1st Lt. Robert Malone, who was killed in Vietnam.
Purple Heart shadow box presented to Charles from Products For Good.
Award recipient Ron Mackedanz was asked by Sgt Egerstrom to have the honor of raising the American Flag for the opening of the game. Mackedanz received the TAPP Honor award in November 2010.