Stand & Salute Honor Event - July 27th with MN Twins:
On July 27th I had the honor of being able to present the Stand & Salute Honor Award to a combat wounded veteran from Iraqi Freedom. I had nominated this individual for the award, and the presentation was held at Target Field prior to a Minnesota Twins Game.
Luc Billmeier was presented the Award near homeplate standing next to his wife, Angela. The text of what was read on Billmeier at the game:
"The Minnesota Twins and Stand & Salute American Heroes, have teamed
up to honor a Purple Heart recipient from the State of Minnesota with a prestigious
national level award presented only to Veterans of the United States Armed Forces
who have been injured in combat operations.
Stand & Salute American Heroes is proud to announce that the Minnesota Twins
are hosting the third Stand & Salute American Heroes award presentation for 2012.
In recognition of a true Stand & Salute American Hero from the State of Minnesota
please join us in honoring United States Army from the 1-151st Field Artillery Unit, SPC
Lucas Billmeier of Wilmar, Minnesota.
On September 13th, 2005 SPC Billmeier along with three other members of the Olivia-
based Alpha Company, 1-151st Field Artillery unit, had just gotten into their Humvee.
They were travelling in a convoy when it was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade.
Billmeier was hit with shrapnel in his foot, both legs and thighs and his right shoulder.
He also had multiple fragmentation wounds in his right forearm and his right wrist was
broken. SPC Billmeier is now retired and resides in Wilmar, MN with his family.
The Flag Raiser is Staff Sergeant with A Company, 151st Field Artillery. He was deployed
with Luc Billmeier and was wounded in the RPG attack with Luc and awarded the Purple
Heart. Nere was discharged from the Army National Guard in March 2008.
SPC Billmeier received the following medals for his service: Purple Heart, Army
Commendation, Army Achievement, Iraq Campaign, Global War on Terror Service
medal, National Defense Service medal, other State of MN National Guard ribbons.
Representing Stand & Salute American Heroes and presenting the 43rd Stand & Salute
American Heroes, Jon Lindstrand of the United States Military Historical Collection of
Kandiyohi, MN. Stand & Salute American Heroes is Major a program of Our Fallen
Soldier, a 501 (c) 3.
Thank you SPC Lucas Billmeier and Staf Sergeant Nere for your incredible service and
sacrifice to America!"
Billmeier and his family watched the game from the comfort of a private suite at Target Field, and other items were presented to him.
See photos below for the July 27th event:

Purple Heart shadow box presented to Luc from Products For Good.

Fellow soldier of Billmeier's Gary Nere was asked to raise the flag for the game. SSG Nere served with Luc in Iraq and was also wounded in the same attack Luc was.
Further Info on Stand & Salute American Heroes:
Click here