Vietnam War

This display is dedicated to the memory of Lyle Mackedanz. Lyle served in Vietnam in an Aviation Battalion and was listed as Missing in Action (MIA) in April 1968 when the helicopter he was on went down.
Read Lyle's Story

Vietnam War display area. This display includes dress uniforms, Field Gear, Field Uniforms, and captured enemy items like Ho Chi Minh sandals.

Complete flight suit and gear & ejection seat used by a Vietnam Veteran Naval pilot.

Rock climbing gear. Although not used in Vietnam it was an issue item during that time period.

Vietnam War dress uniform from a veteran of the Special Forces and the 101st Airborne. After the war he decided to make the Army a career. Some of his other uniforms are also displayed here. The rucksack was carried in Vietnam while he served in the Battle of Hamburger Hill.

The US Army "Pup" tent was a common use item all through the 1960's and 1970's for soldiers on bivouac.