The Veteran's Stories :

Preserving their Story

For over 20 years I have collected military items, but it took a while for me to realize the real important part of this collection, and this undertaking.

After my cousin returned home from Iraq in 1992, I listened to his stories and realized that those memories, those experiences, are what is important. I wanted to try to record those memories and experiences. I wanted to be able to share that information, and try to understand better what they went through.

On this page, I'm going to share with you the stories of the men and women that wore the uniform. I am hoping to try to help people understand the sacrifice of the veteran, and what they did that makes them deserving of our honor.

The stories that I will share with you on this site, have been approved by the veteran, or their family for sharing with you all. I have tried to be as complete as possible in telling their stories. Some of them may change as time progresses, and I am able to find and gather more information.

I will continue to add more stories as I complete them. This may take a while, as currently I have over 100 of them to do. But as I complete them, and the final document is approved to be posted, I will have them available on this site, so please be patient.

Stories are divided by era in which they served. Each individual's story is listed, followed by Branch of Service, and followed by the unit they served in below. Clicking on the name of the individual or the unit will bring you into that person's individual story in PDF form.

Pre-World War I Stories:

COL James A Everett - US Army - Union - Civil War
7th Maine Infantry - Union Army

SGT William Joseph McDermott - US Army - Indian Wars
D Troop - 8th Cavalry - Fort Meade South Dakota

PVT D.P.R. Strong - US Army - Union - Civil War
Company C 2nd Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

World War I Stories:

PVT Ole Stulen - US Army
Evacuation Hospital No. 30 - Third Army

Seaman Herbert Nelson - US Navy
USS Rhode Island & USS Mariana

World War II Stories:

Tech 4 Elmer Butler - US Army
C Company - 306th Medical Battalion - 81st Infatry Division

Tech SGT Clarence Fredeen - US Army - Infantry
L Company - 106th Infantry Regiment - 27th Infatry Division

LT August "Gus" Hoffer - US Navy - Pilot
Fighter Squadron 81 - VF-81 - "Freelancers"

PO2 Clarence Johnson - US Navy - Motor Machinist's Mate
USS Adria -AF-30 - Refrigerated Stores Ship

SSG Douglas Lawler - US Army
634th Tank Destroyer Battalion

PVT Warren Mackedanz - US Army
385th Military Police Battalion - 7th Army

SSG Alfred Marcus - US Army
32nd Armored Regiment - 3rd Armored Division

PFC Luverne Ostby - US Army
99th Battalion Seperate

SSG Minerd "Mike" T. Wareberg - US Army
B Company - 1st Infantry - 6th Infantry Division

Korean War Stories:

PO2 Lavern Meemken - US Navy - Gunner's Mate
USS Juneau -CLAA-119- "Galloping Ghost of the Korean Coast"

Cold War Stories:

SP5 Harvey Lindstrand- US Army
Headquarters Company - 32nd Engineer Group - Verdun France

Vietnam War Stories:

SGT Dan Kleven- US Army - Delta Company - 3rd Platoon
2nd Battalion - 12th Infantry Regiment - 25th Infantry Division

SFC Lyle Mackedanz - US Army - MIA
17th Assault Helicopter Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade

SGT Ron Mackedanz - US Army - "Bandido Charlie"
1st Battalion - 16th Infantry Regiment - 1st Infantry Division

CAPT Darrell John Spinler - US Air Force - Pilot - KIA
"Bringing Dad Home" - Story written by Dwayne Spinler, son of Capt Spinler, chronicling the identification of remains, transport home, and interment of his father after 44 years of being MIA. Authorized to share this story by Mr. Spinler.

Desert Storm Stories:

CPL Robert Boehme - US Marine Corps
Battalion Landing Team 1/4 - Alpha Company - 2nd Platoon

CDR Charles Altman - US Navy
USS America & Marine Corps War College (Associate Dean)

Global War on Terror Stories:

SGT Charles Egerstrom - US Army - Alpha Battery
2nd Battalion - 20th Field Artillery - 4th Infantry Division

MAJ Jeff Enstad - US Army
7247th Installation Medical Support Unit - 330th Medical Brigade

SGT Joshua Schmit - US Army
1451st Transportation Company - 34th Division