"Veteran's Fishing Expo "
On Saturday, May 18 USMHC was asked to attend the Veteran's Fishing Expo in Willmar at the National Guard Armory. The event was sponsored by the Elks Lodge #952 and all events were free to Veterans.
The display included included a varitey of items from World War I through the present. Uniforms, some field gear, and more were displayed.
This display offered the first chance that some of the new items to the collection were displayed.
Photos of the various items on display are below.
Items were displayed on tables and fixtures on the main floor of the armory.
Some current issue Field Uniforms of the Army and Air Force.
Air Force Flight suit worn on a 2010 deployment to Afghanistan
Many other organizations which help veterans were in attendance as well. Veterans were offered a free Fish Fry over the dinner hour.
Elks Veteran's Service Commission.
Blue Star Mothers of MN Chapter 1.
Disabled American Veterans (DAV).
Eagle's Healing Nest - Sauk Centre, MN.
Military Assitance Council for Veterans (MAC-V)
Veterans enjoying the Fish Fry Lunch.